Year / Date of Issue: 01.2021
Version: v2.5.9
Developer: Softube
Developer site: softube
Format: VST, VST3, AAX
Bit depth: 64bit
Tabletka: cured
System requirements: Windows 64-bit, versions 7, 8 or 10
Description: Softube – Tube-Tech Classic Channel is no ordinary channel strip with a surgical EQ and fast bus compressor. Classic Channel is a vintage-style, warm-sounding channel plug-in based on the most famous and classic Tube-Tech hardware: Pultec PE 1C equalizer, ME 1B mid-frequency equalizer and CL 1B tube optical compressor.
According to Torsten, now Softube’s VP of Sales and Marketing, “the expectations were high.” At first, it was difficult to convince John of the advantages of digital vs. analog, but in the end he put a great deal of trust into Torsten and Arvid Rosén (now VP of Research & Development), two young engineers asking all kinds of questions about the ins and outs of the design of the CL 1B while frantically taking notes and trying to get to the bottom with what the fixed/manual attack/release setting actually did. “John was patient though, I think his background as a schoolteacher really paid off here,” Torsten commented on this process.
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This partnership between Softube and Tube-Tech Classic Channel to create the CL 1B plug-in was followed by collaborations on the PE 1C and ME 1B equalizer plug-ins, and today Softube has ported Tube-Tech plug-ins to more platforms than probably any other plug-in on the market. This was accomplished through close collaboration with John. The Tube-Tech plug-ins remain one of Softube’s most popular products and proudest achievements. “They also stay firmly placed on my vocal track at all times!” Torsten added.
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